Buy Valium Bristol As I’ve looked around recently, I feel as if I’ve seen more and more rustic and wooden decor. Hanging pallet signs, wooden coasters, and small carved table decorations seem to be something that I really have only noticed in the past few years. With more work around retailers recently and the fact at 29 I look for home furnishings more often than years back… I realize it could likely just be a product of my work or simply my age. But with the recent Christmas leaving my girlfriend and I three separate gifts from both sides of the family that all fit the “rustic decor” genre, it got me curious enough to do some research into this trend. Whenever researching market demand, one of the first places I like to look is at monthly search volume. I found that SEMrush estimates that in December 2012 “rustic home decor” had an average monthly US search volume of 2,400 Google searches. In December 2014, only two years later, that number has more than doubled to an estimated 5,400 US searches per month.
Soma Online Overnight Diving into Google trends it shows that the term “rustic home decor” had it’s highest search volume to date just over a month ago in November 2014. It also showed that over the the past decade this term has had search volume with a slow and steady increase, unlike the hockey stick chart I thought I might find. As you would expect search volume testosterone cypionate for sale increases in the early fall months and drops drastically as we enter the new year, however something interesting to note is that search volume across the year including the middle of the summer seems to stay relatively consistent. Although some may assume “rustic” would be a seasonal fall or “cabin style”, the search volume lends to it being a more household furnishing that can span across seasons. Diazepam Rectal Tubes Buy Diazepam 5Mg Online Uk Index of Monthly US Search Volume for “rustic home decor” (Google Trends) most of these furnishing and decorations coming from what is called “reclaimed wood” you could argue that the search volume for this term below (record high in January 2015 with only partial data) can prove an increase in demand for these types of products. Index of Monthly US Search Volume for “reclaimed wood” (Google Trends)
Buy Soma Cod Soma Cod Orders Diving into the US regions with the highest search volume for this term is also pretty interesting. You can see a trend of states that are known for vacation cabin houses such as Tennessee, Washington, & Colorado but also places like Florida and Ohio that may be a little more surprising. Index of Monthly US Search Volume for “rustic home decor” (Google Trends) A final look at comparing the “rustic” style with other design trends such as “modern” & “contemporary”, you can see that all appear to be more than a “fad” as they have had significant search volume for nearly a decade. However you will note that “contemporary” is at a much lower volume and steadily declining. “Rustic” seemed to start gaining traction in the last three years on “modern” as it surpassed it in search volume at the end of 2013 due to “modern’s” plateau starting in 2012. Valium Pills Online Index of Monthly US Search Volume for “rustic decor”,”modern decor”, and “contemporary decor” (Google Trends) Although definitely not an exact science of solidifying a trend or determining market demand, researching web search volume can provide some interesting insights when doing market size research. So is the “rustic” design style a trend, fad, or here to stay? You be the judge.
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